Ta Som - Angkor City, Cambodia

These faces look friendly (80k)

These faces look over visitors entering in Ta Som. You can see the architecture used to build arches wasn't great, but those enigmatic faces are awesome.

Linga Inside Doorway  (72k)

Inside this doorway you can see the linga if you look closely. This doorway is built in a very old style, like ancient Indian structures with more decoration.

Tree Versus East Gate (56k)

The east gopura is being destroyed or held together by this giant ficus tree. The perfect photo opportunity beckons tourists like us.

Detail on Arch  (88k)

Overall not much of Ta Som is preserved very well, but this decorative arch has survived.

Restoration Underway  (76k)

Renovation is underway here, so something remains for posterity.

Wall with Entrance  (88k)

This entrance has survived relatively well.

Aspara 1  (64k)

The apsaras here look a little bit different than those at the larger, fancier places.

Doorways  (52k)

This viewpoint looking through a series of concentric doorways was too tempting to resist.

Aspara 2  (80k)

Perhaps she was a famous and well known dancer when this place was constructed.
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