Angkor Diamond Hotel Restaurant - Siem Reap, Cambodia | ||
Angkor Diamond Hotel (56k) We ate lunch at this hotel.
Picture of King & Queen (86k) King Norodom Sihanouk, who ruled the country
from 1941 to 1955, remains a symbol of unity to the Cambodian people.
Entrance to dining area (67k) Nicely decorated to attract hot and hungry
Apsara Decoration (60k) This apsara is a copy of a motif found
in Angkor Thom. There is a fairly well preserved panel there with a
pair of dancers.
Foyer with Vase (76k) Foyer in hotel part features this large
vase. The carved teak table on which it rests is probably Thai.
Another Apsara (53k) This is obviously a popular decorative theme.
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© 2005 Mike and Poom