Siem Reap Airport, Cambodia

Our Plane  (48k)

We flew from Bangkok on a Bangkok Airways flight, on this plane. The flight
took about 35 minutes and they actually
fed us a meal. Try getting that on an
American or European airline!

Entrance Visa   (63k)

Our passport visas had to be stamped by about a half dozen officials after they inspected our $20 USD fees. To leave we purchased $25 airport tickets like this and had to pass several more officials who were not excessively friendly.

Domestic Terminal   (37k)

Presumably for people flying here
from Phnom Penn airport. The capital is only 40 km away, and the airport there can be accessed from several regional hubs like Bangkok, Singapore or Hong Kong. For the past decade or so the government has encouraged tourism, issuing visas to visitors and making this a safer place to visit

Welcome to Cambodia   (69k)

The official welcome sign. After so many years, the horrors of Khmer Rouge tyranny have faded a bit. The subsequent Vietnamese occupation seems to still be resented and a long period of slow civil war afterwards made tourism nearly impossible for most of the 70's, the 80's and some of the 90's.
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